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Categories: Tech Library

Adequate, MQTT broker and client programs based on Kasakov's Components

The Adequate project provides command line clients for the MQTT protocol.
All the hard work is provided by Dmitry Kazakov's Components.
Among them is an implementation of the MQTT protocol.

The Adequate project consists of three programs

  1. aq_broker, a MQTT broker or MQTT server.
  2. aq_pub, a MQTT client for publishing single messages with a command line interface.
  3. aq_sub, a MQTT client for subscribing to a topic (including wildcards). It also only has a command line interface.


Categories: Library

AdaBase - Thick database bindings for Ada

Hey guys, I know there are several options for Ada to interface with databases, but I wasn't happy with any of them for various reasons and thus created yet another option to scratch my itch. I was aiming at a consistent interface to which the various drivers adapt. With some care, the database backends should be interchangeable.

So far I've created drivers for MySQL and SQLite and the driver for PostgreSQL is next on my list. I'd like to eventually support others such as Firebird, MSSQL, Oracle, etc., but those will be very low priority for me over the next year. Contributions are welcome of course -- It's been released under the developer- and commercial-friendly ISC licence.


Categories: Compiler


This release includes GNAT Ada Run Time Systems (RTSs) based on FreeRTOS and targeted at boards

In this release,

  • There is no longer any dependence on the STMicroelectronics' STM32Cube package.
  • The support for on-chip peripherals is limited to the SVD2Ada-generated spec files. The AdaCore 'bareboard' software (currently https://github.com/AdaCore/bareboard, but a name change is under consideration) supports the STM32 line.
  • Tasking no longer requires an explicit start cortex-gnat-rts/tickets/5.
  • Locking in interrupt-handling protected objects no longer inhibits all interrupts, only those of equal or lower priority cortex-gnat-rts/tickets/18.


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