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Categories: Framework Tools Tech Library

XNAdaLib and GNATStudio 2022 binaries for macOS Monterey

This is XNAdaLib 2022 built on macOS 12.6 Monterey for Native Quartz
with GNAT FSF 12.1


GNATStudio 23.0wb

Both packages have been post on Source Forge

Categories: Tools Library


AdaStudio-2022 is based on Qt-6.4.0-everywhere opensource.

includes modules : qt6ada,vtkada,qt6mdkada,qt6cvada(face recognition, QRcode detector,BARcode detection and others ) and voice recognizer.

Qt6Ada modules for Windows, Linux (Unix) are available from Google drive

See also the WebPage

Categories: Tools

LEA : Lightweight Editor for Ada

LEA is a Lightweight Editor for Ada


  • multi-document
  • multiple undo's & redo's
  • multi-line edit, rectangular selections
  • color themes, easy to switch
  • duplication of lines and selections
  • syntax highlighting
  • parenthesis matching
  • bookmarks

Currently available on Windows.

Gtk or other implementations are possible:

the LEA_Common[.*] packages are pure Ada, as well as HAC.

Categories: Tools

Porion v0.11.0 - CI / Automated Ada build system

Porion is a continuous integration server and agent that helps automate the building, testing and deployment of software development projects written in any language.

Porion maintains a list of projects with build recipes to build these projects.

It periodically checks for changes in projects and it schedules a build when a project is modified.

Porion uses a build node to build a project and the build node can be the current host or a specific remote host registered for that purpose.

Categories: Tools

Gnu Emacs Ada mode 7.3.beta

Gnu Emacs Ada mode 7.3.beta is now available in GNU ELPA devel for beta testing.

See the 7.3 Beta on the GNU ELPA Ada-mode page


Ada mode provides auto-casing, fontification, navigation, and indentation for Ada source code files.

Cross-reference information output by the compiler is used to provide powerful code navigation (jump to definition, find all uses, show overriding, etc). By default, only the AdaCore GNAT compiler is
supported; other compilers can be supported. Ada mode uses gpr_query to query compiler-generated cross reference information

Ada-mode and wisi are now compatible with recent gnat versions.
The grammar is updated to the proposed Ada 2022 version.

Incremental parse is provided.

See the GNU ELPA Ada-mode page

EEC GDPR compliant

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