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Categories: Library

Simple Components v4.65

The library provides implementations of smart pointers, directed graphs,
sets, maps, B-trees, stacks, tables, string editing, unbounded arrays,
expression analyzers, lock-free data structures, synchronization
primitives (events, race condition free pulse events, arrays of events,
reentrant mutexes, deadlock-free arrays of mutexes), pseudo-random
non-repeating numbers, symmetric encoding and decoding, IEEE 754
representations support, streams, persistent storage, multiple
connections server/client designing tools and protocols implementations.

See Dmitry’s project at Simple Components

Categories: Tools Library


AdaStudio-2022 is based on Qt-6.4.0-everywhere opensource.

includes modules : qt6ada,vtkada,qt6mdkada,qt6cvada(face recognition, QRcode detector,BARcode detection and others ) and voice recognizer.

Qt6Ada modules for Windows, Linux (Unix) are available from Google drive

See also the WebPage

Categories: Library

AZip v2.50

AZip is a Zip archive manager.

Project on SourceForge

Some features:

  • Multi-document
  • Flat view / Tree view toggle
  • Simple to use (at least I hope so )
  • Useful built-in tools:
  • Text & name search function through an archive, without having to extract files
  • Archive updater
  • Integrity check
  • Archive recompression, using an algorithm-picking approach for improving a Zip archive's compression.
  • Encryption
  • Zip compression formats supported: Reduce, Shrink, Implode, Deflate, Deflate64, BZip2, LZMA
  • Free, open-source
  • Portable (in the sense: no installation needed, no DLL, no configuration file)
Categories: Library

Simple components v4.64

The release is focused on B-trees. The B-tree represents a more performant and easy to use alternative to SQLite in Ada applications.

The release fixes bugs and adds tagging B-tree buckets with user data.
Tags can be used for effective (e.g. logarithmic) search for values rather than for keys only, e.g. for points of entering or leaving an interval of values etc.

A B-tree based implementation of waveforms (x,y) provides means to store render and analyze large sets of measurement data.

Project page on Dmitry-kazakov.de

Categories: Library

Strings Edit v3.8

The library provides text editing and I/O:


  • Generic axis scales support;
  • Integer numbers (generic, package Integer_Edit);
  • Integer sub- and superscript numbers;
  • ISO 8601 representations of time and duration;
  • Floating-point numbers (generic, package Float_Edit);
  • Roman numbers (the type Roman);
  • Strings;
  • Ada-style quoted strings;
  • Base64 encoding;
  • Object identifiers and distinguished names;
  • RFC 8439 (ChaCha20 cipher, Poly1305 digest, AEAD);
  • UTF-8 encoded strings and conversions to older encoding standards;
  • Unicode maps and sets;
  • Wildcard pattern matching.

Project page on Dmitry-kazakov.de

Categories: Library

Units of measurement v3.9

Key features:

  • The type Unit denotes the dimension of a physical entity. The type Measure represents a dimensioned value;
  • Mixed unit arithmetic. Values in SI (Le Système International d'Unités) units can be mixed with irregular units (such as foot and yard) as long as the result is defined;
  • Shifted unit support (a widely used instance of a shifted unit is degree of Celsius);
  • The type Measure is generic, parameterized by a floating-point type. A non-generic version based on the type Float is also provided;
  • String to Measure conversion supports as wide set of irregular units as possible;
  • Currently the powers of the base unit components lie in the range -8..7. This limitation has an implementation reason (absence of 64-bit modular integers in some Ada compilers). For further discussion of this topic see;
  • GTK+ widgets for a comfortable visual measurement unit editing and selection. The rest of the library can be used independently on this part as well as on GTK+.

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